What Happened to Jordan Page: A Journey of Resilience and Change

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Written By Drew Gomez






Jordan Page, popularly known as the Fun Cheap or Free Queen, has captivated audiences with her frugal living tips and financial wisdom. Her journey is one of transformation, challenges, and unexpected turns. Let’s explore the life of this remarkable influencer.

Jordan Page, also known as the Fun Cheap or Free Queen, has made a significant impact in the world of family finance and frugal living. Her story is one of resilience, creativity, and determination. Let’s delve into the life of this remarkable woman.

Age and Background

Born as Jordan Leigh Francis Page, she embarked on her financial journey nearly 15 years ago. At that time, she faced a daunting reality: $15,000 of credit card debt, an unaffordable car, and an annual income of just $31,000. Little did she know that her struggles would pave the way for a thriving online presence.


Jordan’s lifestyle is a blend of practicality and creativity. As a stay-at-home mom of eight, she navigates the chaos with grace. Her philosophy centers around living abundantly within any budget. She doesn’t chase perfection; instead, she focuses on real solutions for everyday life.


  1. Frugal Living Revolution: Jordan’s blog, Fun Cheap or Free, started as a small platform for sharing coupons and deals. It quickly evolved into a movement that redefined frugality. Her practical tips resonated with thousands of readers.
  2. Budget Boot Camp: Jordan launched the Budget Boot Camp, an online program that empowers families to manage their finances effectively. Her straightforward strategies have helped countless people break free from debt and build savings.


  1. Long Posts: Jordan’s blog posts are often lengthy, but her authenticity shines through. She doesn’t conform to blogging norms; instead, she shares her heart and experiences.
  2. Snake Aversion: Jordan openly admits her intense dislike for snakes. She’s not afraid to kick someone in the nose if they toss a snake her way.

Social Media Influence

Jordan actively engages with her audience on social media platforms. Her Instagram and YouTube channels provide glimpses into her daily life, parenting hacks, and financial insights.

Family and Co-Parenting

  1. Eight Kids: Jordan’s family includes eight children. Inspired by the movie Cheaper by the Dozen, she envisions a warm and chaotic household.
  2. Marriage and Divorce: Recently, Jordan announced her separation from her husband, Bubba. While divorce is never ideal, they continue to support each other and co-parent their children.


Jordan Page’s lifestyle is a testament to her philosophy of living abundantly on any budget. She doesn’t chase perfection or Pinterest-worthy images. Instead, she focuses on practical solutions that enhance her family’s well-being. As a stay-at-home mom of eight, she navigates the chaos with grace and humor.

Age and Background

Jordan Leigh Francis Page was born with a name mishap—her middle name, Leigh, was misspelled on a cross-stitched plaque hanging in her room. Despite this early challenge, Jordan grew up to be a force to be reckoned with. Her journey began nearly 15 years ago when she found herself drowning in $15,000 of credit card debt, driving an unaffordable car, and earning a modest income of $31,000.


  1. Frugal Living Revolution: Jordan’s blog, Fun Cheap or Free, started as a small platform to share coupons and deals. It quickly evolved into a movement that redefined frugality. Jordan’s practical tips and no-nonsense approach resonated with thousands of readers.
  2. Budget Boot Camp: Jordan launched the Budget Boot Camp, an online program that teaches families how to manage their finances effectively. Her straightforward strategies have helped countless people get out of debt and build savings.


  1. Long Posts: Jordan’s blog posts tend to be lengthy, but her authenticity shines through. She doesn’t conform to blogging norms; instead, she shares her heart and experiences.
  2. Snake Aversion: Jordan openly admits her intense dislike for snakes. She’s not afraid to kick someone in the nose if they toss a snake her way.

Social Media Activity

Jordan actively engages with her audience on social media platforms. Her Instagram and YouTube channels provide a glimpse into her daily life, parenting hacks, and financial wisdom.

Family and Social Life

  1. Eight Kids: Jordan’s family includes eight children, and she dreams of having even more. Inspired by the movie Cheaper by the Dozen, she envisions a warm and chaotic household.
  2. Marriage: Jordan is married and shares her life with her supportive husband.


While Jordan doesn’t reveal much about her parents, her upbringing likely influenced her frugal mindset. Her determination and resourcefulness mirror the values instilled by her family.

Relationship Status

Jordan is happily married, but she keeps her personal life private. Her focus remains on empowering others through her financial expertise.


Jordan Page’s journey—from debt to financial freedom—inspires us all. She proves that abundance isn’t about perfection; it’s about making the most of what you have. So, let’s embrace the Fun Cheap or Free way and create our own abundant lives! 🌟

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