Donna Reneau Where is she now?

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Written By Drew Gomez






Donna Reneau, the former 911 dispatcher who faced public outrage for her rude and insensitive handling of a call from a drowning woman in 2019, has remained silent and elusive since her resignation. Her current whereabouts and activities are unknown, as she has not given any interviews or statements to the media or the authorities. However, the case has sparked debates and reforms on the training and accountability of emergency operators.

A shocking and fatal incident

Donna Reneau was a 911 dispatcher for the Fort Smith Police Department in Arkansas for five years, until she resigned on August 23, 2019. On the same day, she took a call from Debra Stevens, a newspaper delivery driver who was trapped in her car by a flash flood. Reneau’s response to Stevens’ pleas for help was cold, dismissive, and unprofessional.

She scolded Stevens for driving into the water, told her to “shut up”, and said “this will teach you next time don’t drive in the water”. She also failed to provide any reassurance or guidance to Stevens, who was panicking and crying. Stevens died before the rescuers could reach her. The 22-minute call was released to the public and caused outrage and criticism. Many people blamed Reneau for Stevens’ death and demanded justice.

The Fort Smith Police Department defended Reneau, saying that she had followed protocol and that the flood was too severe for anyone to save Stevens. They also said that Reneau had already submitted her resignation two weeks before the incident and that it was her last shift. They did not take any disciplinary action against her.

A silent and elusive retirement

Donna Reneau has not spoken publicly about the incident or her resignation. She has not given any interviews or statements to the media or the authorities. She has not apologized or expressed any remorse for her actions. She has not faced any legal consequences or lawsuits for her role in Stevens’ death. She has not revealed where she lives or what she does now.

Donna Reneau has effectively disappeared from the public eye, leaving many questions unanswered. Some people have speculated that she has changed her name or moved to another state. Some people have tried to contact her or find her on social media, but without success. Some people have wondered if she has any regrets or if she has sought any counseling or therapy.

A lasting and impactful legacy

Donna Reneau’s involvement in the incident has had a lasting impact on the emergency response system and the public perception of 911 dispatchers.

The incident has exposed the flaws and gaps in the training and supervision of emergency operators, as well as the lack of empathy and compassion that some of them display. The incident has also highlighted the challenges and pressures that 911 dispatchers face, as well as the need for more support and recognition for their work.

The incident has prompted some changes and reforms in the emergency response system.

The Fort Smith Police Department has implemented new policies and procedures for 911 dispatchers, such as requiring them to undergo annual evaluations, providing them with more feedback and coaching, and increasing their pay and benefits. The Arkansas Legislature has also passed a bill that requires 911 dispatchers to complete 40 hours of training and certification every two years.

The incident has also sparked debates and discussions among the public and the media about the role and responsibility of 911 dispatchers, as well as the ethical and legal implications of their actions. The incident has also raised awareness and appreciation for the work and dedication of 911 dispatchers, who often deal with life-and-death situations and save lives every day.


Donna Reneau is a former 911 dispatcher who was involved in a controversial and tragic incident that resulted in the death of a drowning woman in 2019. She resigned from her job and has not spoken publicly since then. Her current whereabouts and activities are unknown.

However, the incident has had a lasting impact on the emergency response system and the public perception of 911 dispatchers. The incident has led to some changes and reforms in the training and accountability of emergency operators, as well as some debates and discussions about their role and responsibility. The incident has also shown the challenges and pressures that 911 dispatchers face, as well as the need for more support and recognition for their work.

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