Amy Schumer responds to trolls who commented on her puffy face

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Written By Drew Gomez






Amy Schumer, the actress and director of the Hulu series Life and Beth, has hit back at the trolls who made fun of her ‘puffy’ face, which she said was caused by her endometriosis. She also used the opportunity to advocate for self-love and acceptance of one’s appearance.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, causing pain, inflammation, and sometimes infertility. Schumer revealed that she had endometriosis in 2021, and that she had her uterus and appendix removed as a result. She said that she felt like a new person after the surgery, but that she still had some medical and hormonal issues that affected her face.

What did the trolls say?

Schumer faced a barrage of negative comments about her face after she appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and The View to promote the second season of her show, which premiered on Friday, February 16, 2024. Some of the comments mocked her face, while others speculated about her health or offered unsolicited advice. Some examples of the comments are:

  • “She looks like she got stung by a bee”
  • “She needs to lay off the booze and the carbs”
  • “She should try some anti-inflammatory foods”
  • “She looks like she had botox gone wrong”
  • “She looks sick, I hope she’s okay”

How did Schumer respond?

Schumer responded to the trolls with a mix of honesty and humor. She posted a new Instagram photo with a poster of her show, and wrote:

“Thank you so much for everyone’s input about my face! And you’re right it is puffier than normal right now. I have endometriosis, an auto-immune disease that every woman should read about. There are some medical and hormonal things going on in my world right now but I’m okay. I also believe a woman doesn’t need any excuse for her physical appearance and owes no explanation.

But I wanted to take the opportunity to advocate for self love and acceptance of the skin you’re in. Like every other women/person some days I feel confident and good as hell and others I want to put a bag over my head. But I feel strong and beautiful and so proud of this tv show I created. Wrote. Starred in and directed. Maybe just maybe we can focus on that for a little. I had backup dancers on Fallon but my face is the headline hahaha. Anyway I hope you enjoy Life and Beth. Love and solidarity.”

What was the reaction to Schumer’s response?

Schumer’s response received a lot of support and praise from her fans and fellow celebrities. Some of the positive comments are:

  • “You are amazing and beautiful and hilarious and inspiring”
  • “You are a queen and a role model for so many women”
  • “You are so brave and honest and talented”
  • “You are a legend and I love your show”
  • “You are gorgeous and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise”

Schumer also received some messages from other women who have endometriosis, who thanked her for raising awareness and sharing her experience. Some of the messages are:

  • “Thank you for speaking out about endometriosis. I have it too and it’s a nightmare”
  • “Thank you for being open about your surgery. I had mine last year and it changed my life”
  • “Thank you for showing that endometriosis doesn’t define us. We are more than our pain”
  • “Thank you for being a voice for the millions of women who suffer from this invisible disease”
  • “Thank you for being you. You are an inspiration to me and many others”


Amy Schumer is a successful and talented actress and director, who has faced many challenges in her life and career. She has also dealt with endometriosis, a painful and debilitating condition that affects many women.

She has not let the trolls or the disease stop her from pursuing her dreams and expressing herself. She has also used her platform to spread a message of self-love and acceptance, and to educate others about endometriosis. She is a role model for many women and a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.

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